2 Course Bundle- The Child with Autism

Autism 101 & Using Neuroscience to Create a Positive Learning Environment Bundle

2 Course Bundle incorporating:

Autism 101- Creating an Autism Friendly Learning Environment

Using Neuroscience to Create a Positive Learning Environment

Additional Resources Available With This Course:

Additional resources include lesson plans, classroom schedules, an ASD Guide, subject cards, and much more.

" Thank you for all your hard work. Course was excellent and comfortably the most interesting one I have done."

- Ms. Una Ryan

Your Instructor

Pádraig Walsh
Pádraig Walsh

Pádraig Walsh BA, MSc, BCBA, A.F.Ps.S.I. is Actualise Academy's Behaviour Psychologist. He is intrigued by people, their behaviour and his expertise lies in helping people to understand why we do what we do. His range of knowledge and experience is diverse, working with both children and adults across educational, clinical and residential settings. He is a regular contributor on RTÉ Radio and as Behavioural Psychologist for The 6 O'Clock Show on Virgin Media 1.

Pádraig qualified with a Masters in Applied Behaviour Analysis after completing his degree in Psychology (both at NUI Galway). He has worked as a Behaviour Specialist for organisations across Ireland as well as working for 2 years in Melbourne, Australia as a consultant to an early intervention clinic for children. Pádraig has presented his research extensively at conferences on the effectiveness of Positive Behaviour Support in Ireland, Australia, Singapore and the UK. He is part of the MSc (ABA) interview panel at NUI Galway and also lectures on the MSc in Applied Behaviour Analysis in NUI Galway and Trinity College, Dublin as well as on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in the University of Limerick.

Pádraig is the founder of the podcast series All About Dis' exploring disability issues in Ireland today. You can find the episodes on iTunes and on Soundcloud. Having spent most of his early life playing GAA in his native Westmeath, Pádraig has more recently discovered his artistic side performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with his Improv group Kirsty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the Actualise Academy Courses approved by the DES for EPV days?
Yes, all 10 courses are approved for EPV days. The courses (20 hours) carry the entitlement of 3 EPV days for Primary Teachers.
Is there a limit to how many courses can I do for EPV days?
Yes, the DES has imposed a limit of 5 EPV days in any one year. This 5 day entitlement can be reached by doing any 3 of our courses: 1 ONLINE COURSE entitles you to claim 3 EPV DAYS 2 ONLINE COURSES entitles you to claim 4 EPV DAYS 3 ONLINE COURSES entitles you to claim 5 EPV DAYS
How much do the courses cost?
Courses cost €75 for one, €100 for two and €120 for three. If you pre-register and book early, or if you took one of our courses last year, you can avail of a €20 discount.
What are the course completion requirements? How much work is involved?
Courses are run online. Courses consist of a total of 20 hours each, with 20 hours of optional material and resources for you. There will be lots of complementary material for you online too. The course is divided into 5 modules x 4 hours each. Each module module breaks down into some hours of online work (lectures, MCQs) and some offline for self-directed learning (e.g. recommended videos, reading, etc.). You can do the course entirely at your own pace, and can even do it on mobile if you are on the move! Assessment of the course is as follows: 1. Multiple choice questions and short answer questions are interspersed through the 5 modules on each course, and are based on the content you will have just seen; 2. Each module requires a short reflective piece, asking you to think through how you will apply the material you have just learned to your own learning environment; 3. You must engage with the online forums for each course. Please note: You must must complete assignments for each module before moving to the next module.
When can I access my course?
All courses will be accessible from July to August 2019. Once you buy a place, you will be able to begin almost immediately.
How do I access my course?
Once you purchase a course, the material will be available to you almost immediately.
How do I deal with passwords/logins? I’m not very tech-savvy!
Our new platform is really simple to use, and the whole course runs automatically. It will pick up where you left off before, and it is really intuitive to use.
How much time is required of me?
All EPV courses must be scheduled for 20 hours. In our courses, only some of that time is online, and some is done in your own time offline. with optional work offline, We have also made sure there are lots of practical, complimentary resources available for you.
How will I get my certificate of completion?
Once you successfully complete the course, a certificate will be generated for you within a short time.
What is a Course Bundle and how does it work?
At Actualise Academy we have designed our courses in such a way that information from one course can build upon the information learned in the previous courses. From our clinical experience we have decided to bundle these courses together and offer them at a reduced price for customers who wish to take more than one course.
I want to take two courses that are not offered as part of a bundle, can I get these at the reduced bundle rate?
Customers are welcome to purchase courses separately, however if they are not offered as part of a bundle, we do not off them at a reduced rate.

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