2 Course Bundle- The Child with Autism
Autism 101 & Using Neuroscience to Create a Positive Learning Environment Bundle
2 Course Bundle incorporating:
Autism 101- Creating an Autism Friendly Learning Environment
Using Neuroscience to Create a Positive Learning Environment
Additional Resources Available With This Course:
Additional resources include lesson plans, classroom schedules, an ASD Guide, subject cards, and much more.
" Thank you for all your hard work. Course was excellent and comfortably the most interesting one I have done."
- Ms. Una Ryan
Your Instructor
Pádraig Walsh BA, MSc, BCBA, A.F.Ps.S.I. is Actualise Academy's Behaviour Psychologist. He is intrigued by people, their behaviour and his expertise lies in helping people to understand why we do what we do. His range of knowledge and experience is diverse, working with both children and adults across educational, clinical and residential settings. He is a regular contributor on RTÉ Radio and as Behavioural Psychologist for The 6 O'Clock Show on Virgin Media 1.
Pádraig qualified with a Masters in Applied Behaviour Analysis after completing his degree in Psychology (both at NUI Galway). He has worked as a Behaviour Specialist for organisations across Ireland as well as working for 2 years in Melbourne, Australia as a consultant to an early intervention clinic for children. Pádraig has presented his research extensively at conferences on the effectiveness of Positive Behaviour Support in Ireland, Australia, Singapore and the UK. He is part of the MSc (ABA) interview panel at NUI Galway and also lectures on the MSc in Applied Behaviour Analysis in NUI Galway and Trinity College, Dublin as well as on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in the University of Limerick.
Pádraig is the founder of the podcast series All About Dis' exploring disability issues in Ireland today. You can find the episodes on iTunes and on Soundcloud. Having spent most of his early life playing GAA in his native Westmeath, Pádraig has more recently discovered his artistic side performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with his Improv group Kirsty.