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12. ‘You can’t make me!’: Managing Anxiety Based School Avoidance (ABSA) - 2024
Actualise Academy Welcome Video [Mandatory] (0:11)
Welcome to the Actualise Academy [Mandatory]
About Actualise Academy [Mandatory] (1:49)
About You [Mandatory]
Information Re:Downloading [Mandatory]
Module 1: What is Anxiety and Anxiety Based School Avoidance
Lecture 1.1: What is Anxiety Based School Avoidance ABSA? (Mandatory) (13:18)
Resource: Video: What is and what isn't school avoidance? (Mandatory)
Lecture 1.2: What is Anxiety? (Mandatory) (22:35)
Lecture 1.3: The FFFF Response (Mandatory) (32:11)
Video: Dr. Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain (Mandatory)
Resource: Visual of the Hand Model of the Brain. (Mandatory)
Video: The brain in Fight Flight Freeze (Mandatory)
Useful Resource from NEPS on ABSA (Mandatory)
Resource: The Clare Anxiety Based School Avoidance Toolkit (Mandatory)
Resource: The Roscommon School Avoidance ToolKit (Mandatory)
Assignment (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community(Mandatory)
Module 2: Responding to Anxiety.
Lecture 2.1: What can schools do? (Mandatory) (32:05)
Resources: Videos on One Good Adult (Mandatory)
Lecture 2.2: Self Regulation (Mandatory) (22:13)
Lesson 2.2 Shark Music
Video: Calm Second Chicken Demo
Lecture 2.3: Empathy and Co-regulation (Mandatory) (13:35)
Video Clip on Empathy: Inside Out
Video Clip 2 on Empathy: Brené Brown (Mandatory)
Assignment. Self Reflection (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community(Mandatory)
Module 3: Responding to ABSA and taking first steps
Lecture 3.1: Working with school avoidant students (Mandatory) (18:40)
Lecture 3.2: Facing and Feeling (Mandatory) (15:11)
Resources: Video on 5 tops tips for supporting a student with ASBA
Lesson 3.3 Understanding Exposure Therapy (Mandatory)
Video: What is graded Exposure? (Mandatory)
Resources: Video: What I learnt from 100 days of Rejection (Mandatory)
Lecture 3.4: Working with Parents (Mandatory) (15:04)
Resource: Video: What is School Refusal like for parents ? (Mandatory)
Video: ABSA. Be kind to parents (Mandatory)
Assignment: Complete a SCOT Analysis (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community(Mandatory)
Module 4: A complex issue
Lecture 4.1: Young People with SEN and ASBA (Mandatory) (18:35)
Resource: School avoidance resource pack for autistic students
Resource: Additional information on the TEACCH Approach
Resource: Tool. ABC Chart. (Mandatory)
Lecture 4.2: Other Reasons for ASBA (Mandatory) (14:36)
Resource: Video: The FFFF response in the trauma brain
Resource: Beacon House Developmental Trauma
Assignment, Scot Analysis (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community(Mandatory)
Module 5: A Whole School Approach.
Lecture 5.1: A plan for return to school (Mandatory) (10:53)
Lecture 5.2: Creating a Calm Connected Classroom (Mandatory) (12:49)
Lecture 5.4: A whole school approach (Mandatory)
Resources: ASBA Whole School Audit and Information gathering for SSE (Mandatory)
Additional Resource: Video: A six-point plan for parents for getting school-refusing children back to school.
Final Video: The Power of Teachers (Mandatory)
Thank you!
Assignment: Reflection (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community(Mandatory)
Final Assessment and Feedback
Final Assessment
Declaration of Integrity
Ongoing Learning Offer
Downloading Certificates (Mandatory)
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Lecture 5.4: A whole school approach (Mandatory)
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