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15. ‘She just doesn’t talk in school’. Reluctant Speakers and Selective Mutism | 2024
Hello and Welcome
Actualise Academy Welcome Video [Mandatory] (0:11)
Welcome to the Actualise Academy [Mandatory]
About Actualise Academy [Mandatory] (1:49)
About You [Mandatory]
Information Re:Downloading [Mandatory]
Module 1: What are Anxiety, Reluctant Speaking and Selective Mutism
Lecture 1.1 What is Selective Mutism? (Mandatory) (26:59)
Resources: Video: What is Selective Mutism
Lecture 1.2: What is Anxiety? (Mandatory) (22:35)
Lecture 1.3. The FFFF response and recognising anxiety in the classroom (Mandatory) (32:11)
Video: Dr. Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain (Mandatory)
Resource: Visual of the Hand Model of the Brain. (Mandatory)
Resource: Video. Selective Mutism. Tips for Teachers (Mandatory)
Resource: Selective Mutism Manual by Maggie Johnson
Additional resources on Selective Mutism
Assignment. Reflection (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 2: Responding to Reluctant Speakers.
Lecture 2.1: First Steps (Mandatory) (20:48)
Lecture 2.2: Self Regulation (Mandatory) (22:13)
Lesson 2.3: Shark Music (Mandatory)
Resource: Video. Calm Second Chicken Demo (Mandatory)
Lecture 2.4: Empathy and Co-regulation (Mandatory) (13:35)
Lecture 2.5: How does this all relate to students with SM?
Resource: Video: An interview with a child who had Selective Mutism (Mandatory)
Resources: Additional Handouts and Information Sheets
Assignment: Complete a SCOT Analysis (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 3: How to support and encourage speaking. Part 1
Lecture 3.1: The Stages of Confident Speaking. (Mandatory) (19:02)
Lecture 3.2: Creating a Calm Connected Classroom (Mandatory) (12:49)
Resources for creating a calm connected classroom (Mandatory)
Resource: Ensuring and anxiety free environment for children with SM. (Mandatory)
Lecture 3.3: Educate and plan for intervention (17:27)
Resources: Handouts and Information Sheets re: SM
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 4: How to support and encourage speaking. Part 2
Lecture 4.1: Building Confidence and Independence (Mandatory) (13:29)
Resources: Setting Smart Goals (Mandatory)
Lecture 4.3: The Sliding In Technique (16:19)
Video: Demo of the Sliding In technique (Mandatory)
Resource: The Sliding In Technique Handout
Lesson 3.4: Theraplay activities for regulation. (Mandatory)
Lesson 4.4 Understanding Graded Exposure (Mandatory)
Video: What is graded Exposure? (Mandatory)
Resources: Video: What I learnt from 100 days of Rejection (Mandatory)
Assignment: Reflection
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 5:
Lecture 5.1: Generalise Speech (Mandatory) (8:51)
Resource: Video for peers (Mandatory)
Resources: Videos: Selective Mutism in Bilingual/non-English speaking Students (Mandatory)
Lecture 5.2: Whole School Approach to Mental Health (Mandatory)
Resource: The Continuum of Support (Mandatory)
Resource: Video Whole School Approach to Mental Health (Mandatory)
Final Video: The Power of Teachers
Thank you!
Assignment: Reflection (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Final Assignment and Feedback
Final Assignment
Other Useful Resources
Declaration of Integrity
Ongoing Learning Offer
Downloading Certificates (Mandatory)
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Lecture 2.2: Self Regulation (Mandatory)
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