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11. Calm Classrooms: Lesson Plans and Practical Strategies for Managing Anxiety | 2024
Hello and welcome
Actualise Academy Welcome Video [Mandatory] (0:11)
Welcome to the Actualise Academy [Mandatory]
About You [Mandatory]
About the Actualise Academy [Mandatory] (1:49)
Information Re: Downloading [Mandatory]
Collaboration (Mandatory)
Module 1: What is Anxiety
Lecture 1.1: What is Anxiety? (Mandatory) (22:35)
Lecture 1.2. The FFFF response and recognising anxiety in the classroom (Mandatory) (32:11)
Video: Dr. Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain (Mandatory)
Resource: Visual of the Hand Model of the Brain. (Mandatory)
Video: The Brain in FFF Fight Flight Freeze (Mandatory)
Video: The FFFF response in the trauma brain (Mandatory)
Lecture 1.3: Thoughts, Emotions, and Behaviour in Anxiety
Resource: Exploring Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings (Mandatory)
Resource: NEPS. Normalising Thoughts Emotions and Feelings (Mandatory)
Assignment: Using a SCOT Analysis (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 2: What Works?
Lecture 2.1: Self Regulation (Mandatory) (22:13)
Lesson 2.2: Shark Music (Mandatory)
Video: Calm Second Chicken Demo (Mandatory)
Lecture 2.3. Empathy and Co-Regulation (Mandatory) (13:35)
Video: Clip 1 on Empathy. Inside Out (Mandatory)
Video: Clip 2 on Empathy (Mandatory)
Video: Teaching Empathy: A Clip for Your Classroom
Resources: Educator Self Reflection Template (Mandatory)
Video: Teacher Self Care Strategies (Mandatory)
Assignment: Self reflection (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 3: Calm, Connected Classrooms
Lecture 3.1: Creating a Calm, Connected Classroom (Mandatory) (12:49)
Blog Post: Why classroom mindfulness really works (Mandatory)
Resources for creating a calm connected classroom (Mandatory)
Lecture 3.2: Normalising and Exploring Anxiety. (Mandatory) (15:53)
Resources: Blogs on accompanying Lesson Plans and Resources
Lesson Plans and Resources. Normalising and Exploring Anxiety. (Mandatory)
Podcast: Relaxation Techniques from NEPS (Mandatory)
Resource: Video: 5 finger Breathing (Mandatory)
Creating a Box of Calm: A Simple but Powerful Tool (Mandatory)
Assignment: Reflection (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 4: A Practical Framework for Responding to Anxiety
Lecture 4.1: Facing and Feeling (Mandatory) (15:11)
Lesson 4.2 Understanding Graded Exposure (Mandatory)
Resources: Video: What I learnt from 100 days of Rejection (Mandatory)
Lecture 4.3 The Emotional Benefits of Play (Mandatory)
Lesson 4.4: Theraplay activities for regulation. (Mandatory)
Video: Games For discovering Emotions. (Mandatory) (1:29)
Video: Ted Talk on Creativity (Mandatory)
Resource: Aistear Siolta, Self evaluation tool. Learning through play. (Mandatory)
Assignment: Create a Fear Ladder. (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 5: Pulling it all together
Lecture 5.1: A whole school approach to anxiety management (Mandatory)
Resource: Video: Whole school approach to Mental Health (Mandatory)
Resource: Wellbeing Promotion Indicators of Success (Mandatory)
Resource: The Continuum of support (Mandatory)
Lecture: What is School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support? (Mandatory) (10:15)
Lecture 5.4: Lecture: Why Use School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support? (Mandatory) (16:33)
Lecture 5.5: Implementing School Wide Positive Behaviour Support. (Mandatory) (10:45)
Additional Resource. Podcast: All About Dis'- Positive Behaviour Support Podcast
Video: The Power of Teachers. (Mandatory)
Thank you!
Assignment. The Continuum of Support (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Final Assignment
Final Assignment
Resources WFSPC
Declaration of Integrity
Ongoing Learning Offer.
Downloading Certificates (Mandatory)
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Resource: NEPS. Normalising Thoughts Emotions and Feelings (Mandatory)
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