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14. Supporting Autistic Students with Anxiety: Essential Strategies for Teachers - 2024
Hello and Welcome
Actualise Academy Welcome Video [Mandatory] (0:11)
Welcome to the Actualise Academy [Mandatory]
About Actualise Academy [Mandatory] (1:49)
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Information Re: Downloading [Mandatory]
Module 1: Introduction to Autism and Anxiety
Lecture 1.1: Intro to Autism and Anxiety (Mandatory) (9:40)
Lecture 1.2: What is Anxiety (Mandatory) (22:35)
Lecture 1.3: The FFFF response and recognising anxiety in the classroom? (Mandatory) (32:11)
Resource: Book: Autism and Managing Anxiety. Middletown Centre for Autism (Mandatory)
Video: Dr. Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain (Mandatory)
Resource: Visual of the Hand Model of the Brain. (Mandatory)
Video: The Brain in FFF Fight Flight Freeze (Mandatory)
Assignment: Complete a SCOT analysis. (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 2: Sensory Processing, Autism and Anxiety.
Lecture 2.1: Self Regulation (Mandatory) (22:13)
Lecture 2.3: Shark Music
Video: Calm Second Chicken Demo
Lecture 2.2 Empathy and Co-Regulation (Mandatory) (13:35)
Resource: Videos from Middletown on Emotional Regulation (Mandatory)
Lecture 2.4: Social Anxiety and Autism (Mandatory) (8:18)
Resource: Kit for Kids. Peer education program (Mandatory)
Resource: Video for Junior Classes. Meet Julia. Sesame Street (Mandatory)
Resources: Video for Senior Classes: Disney Loop (Mandatory)
Resources: Social Skills Programs (Mandatory)
Resources: Video: Lego based therapy for autism (Mandatory)
Additional Resource: Start a Lego Club for Social Skills
Additional Resource: Article on Peer Support reading program for Autistic Students
Assignment. Reflective activity.
Shared. Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 3: Anxiety Management Strategies for Autistic Students. (Part 1)
Lecture 3.1: Sensory processing, anxiety and autism. (Mandatory) (18:40)
Resource: HSE Sensory Processing. Tips and Strategies (Mandatory)
Resource: Video: From Co-Regulation to Self Regulation Autism (Mandatory)
Lecture 3.2: Management Strategies 1 (Mandatory) (21:13)
Resource Videos and Website: The TEACCH Approach
Resource: Website: How to write Social Stories (Mandatory)
Resource: Video: Anxiety in School. (Mandatory)
Resources: Comic Strip Conversations (Mandatory)
Assignment: Case Study 1 (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 4: Anxiety management strategies for autistic students. (Part 2)
Lecture 4.1: Management Strategies 2 (Mandatory) (24:38)
Resources: Videos of calming activities for autistic people (Mandatory)
Resource: Video: How to create a Box Of Calm. Dr. Karen Triesman (Mandatory)
Blog Post: Why classroom mindfulness really works (Mandatory)
Resource: Podcast. Relaxation Techniques from NEPS (Mandatory)
Lecture 4.2: What is Graded Desensitisation (Mandatory)
Resource: Video Graded Desensitization
Resources: Video: What I learnt from 100 days of Rejection (Mandatory) Lesson
Resource: Tool. ABC Chart. (Mandatory)
Additional Resource: Middletown Centre for Autism Website: Anxiety Management
Assignment: Case Study 2 (Mandatory)
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Module 5
Lecture 5.1: A Whole School Approach (Mandatory)
Lesson 5.2: Resource: Video and Doc: Autism Good Practice for Schools (Mandatory)
Resources: Video. Building Capacity in Autism. A Whole School Intervention (Mandatory)
Resource: The Continuum of Support (Mandatory)
Resources: Autism Progression Framework
Resource: SEN Self Evaluation Tool (Mandatory)
Final Video: The Power of Teachers (Mandatory)
Thank you!
Assignment: Continuum of Support.
Shared Learning Community (Mandatory)
Assignment & Feedback
Final Assignment
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Downloading Your Certificate (Mandatory)
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Resource: HSE Sensory Processing. Tips and Strategies (Mandatory)
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