14. Supporting Autistic Students with Anxiety: Essential Strategies for Teachers | 2024

Empowering Teachers to Support Autistic Students with Anxiety

If you're a teacher who is unsure of how to support your Autistic students who are experiencing anxiety, our course is designed for you. We know that autism and anxiety often go hand-in-hand and how important it is to understand the unique needs of autistic students when it comes to anxiety management. Our course provides practical strategies and tools that teachers can use to help support autistic students who are struggling with anxiety. By enrolling in our course, you'll learn about the different types of anxiety that autistic students may experience and gain an understanding of how to recognize and respond to their needs. You'll also learn effective communication techniques and practical strategies for creating a calm and supportive learning environment.


Here is a list of the modules in this course, with the learning outcomes of each. We also build in School Self Evaluation into all courses, making the SSE Process as smooth as possible:

Module 1: Introduction to Autism and Anxiety: Participants will:

  • learn about the key psychological theories related to anxiety and autism
  • Learn how to recognise various presentations of anxiety in the classroom.

Module 2: Sensory Processing, Autism and Anxiety. Participants will:

  • Learn about the impact of sensory processing on anxiety in autism.
  • Explore the impact supporting distressed students can have on teachers’ wellbeing.
  • Explore the value of reflective and self-care practices.

Module 3: Anxiety management strategies for autistic students. (Part 1). Participants will:

  • Explore a range of management strategies for autistic students experiencing anxiety including removal of trigger, flexibility, communication, story based intervention and social communication, environmental and sensory strategies, Relaxation and mindfulness..

Module 4: Anxiety management strategies for autistic students. (Part 1) Participants learn:

  • Explore a range of management strategies for autistic students experiencing anxiety including CBT, Self-regulation, co-regulation, affective education and recognising emotions and identifying anxiety and levels of distress.

Module 5: A whole school approach. Participants will:

  • learn how to implement strategies at a whole school level.

Your Instructor

Susan Quain
Susan Quain

Susan started her career as a Primary School Teacher and spent over 10 years working in a large urban special school, where she simultaneously completed her BSc in Psychology part-time through the Open University. In 2021, Susan changed careers, moving from education to psychology working firstly as an Assistant Psychologist on a HSE Primary Care Psychology Team, where she regularly facilitated groups for children experiencing mental health difficulties and for parents, carers and school staff supporting them. She then worked as an Assistant Psychologists on a specialist service within TUSLA that provide therapeutic interventions for young people who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour and their families.

Susan completed a Research Masters in 2024 related to the effective delivery of RSE to prevent incidents of inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviour by young people with intellectual disabilities. She has also tutored and taught psychology part-time in Mary Immaculate College and in the University of Limerick. Susan will be starting her doctoral training in Clinical Psychology in September 2024.

Course Curriculum

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